I shared these thoughts with our FCA students this week. I hope it inspires them, and I hope I can live up to my own ideals. I believe we are called to demonstrate a Love that is greater than our own human nature can supply. *********************************************************************** One of my favorite quotes about being a Christian: “As a Christian, the greatest influence you can have on those around you is…just not be a jerk.” (Sean Lumsden, Living Hope Church ☺) *But then again, any non-Christian can also “not be a jerk.” So what would make me different? God’s love v. man’s love *Unless I pursue God and truly understand his love, I can only love out of my own human capacity. Since humans fail, my love will also inevitably fail. Sadly, sometimes my love will…be impatient, envious, proud, snippy, selfish, feel like giving up on someone, lose hope. *What does 1 Cor 13:1-7 say about God’s love in the face of those failures? If I speak in the tongue of m...